Wandering Audio

Audio Minstrals of the Internet

Archive for December 21st, 2008


Filed under: Dracula — Gwendolyn @ 20:48

Written by Bram Stoker
Adapted from the 1938 Mercury on Air Radio Play
Adapted by Orson Welles
from the Bram Stoker Novel
Originally broadcast on 7/11/38
Transcribed for the Willamette Radio Workshop
by Bryan Mackey and Sam A. Mowry (and used with their blessings)

Adaption for Gypsy Audio by Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard
Directed by Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard and Alex Gilmour
Post-Production by Alex Gilmour


The Prince of the Undead is coming soon to Gypsy Audio.

Join us for a new production of Bram Stoker’s Classic Dracula.

“Come freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring.” — Dracula

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