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Archive for May 17th, 2009

Siren Song

Filed under: Twisted Tales — Gwendolyn @ 09:27

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Siren Song
By Laura Frechette

Task Master:    Bend your back and ROW!  Bend your backs and ROW!
Men:            Our backs are burned. Our arms are sore.
                    Where is the wind on this cursed sea.
Task Master:    Bend your backs and ROW!

Men:            Days gone by on a glassy sea.
                    No wind or breeze nor birds that cry.
                    No clouds to guard us from the sun.
Task Master:    Bend your backs and ROW!!

Men:            A wind? A WIND! RAISE THE SAILS!
Task Master:    Stow the oars and man the lines!
Men:            A time for rest from the cruel sun.
                    To dream of a land called home.

Task Master:    Man overboard, Man overboard!
Men:            He was in a trance. A lady’s voice was on the wind he said.
                    And though he went to rescue her…

Task Master:    …that’s how he met his end.

Siren:            Come to me. Come to me.
                    Men of the sea…come..
                    My song shall lead you to me.
                    Sailors all…come.

                    Broken shall their hearts be,
                    The women of the shore.
                    For they stole my love from me.
                    This price settles the score.

Featuring the Voice Talents of:
Alex Gilmour, Stevie K. Farnaby, and Mark Kalita as the Men and Task Masters
Laura Frechette and Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as the Sirens

Music Provided by Kevin MacLeod at Incompetech.com
Art Provided by Laura Frechette

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