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Archive for June 28th, 2009

Wandering Minstrel Podcast 6 – Twisted Tales of Faerie Part 2: What is to Come

Filed under: Wandering Minstrel — Gwendolyn @ 09:25

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Wandering Minstrel Podcast 6 – Twisted Tales of Faerie Part 2: What is to Come

This week we are casting our minds into the future… of Twisted Tales of Faerie.

What is to come? We will be talking about some of the shows that we have lined up, and challenging you, the listeners, to come up with new stories for this segment.

Also a brief remembrance of those celebrities who have passed this week. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson will be missed.

Please send any Questions, Comments, and Suggestions to
laura@gypsyaudio.org or gypsyaudio@gmail.com

Promos are for Escape from New York, and Stargazers.
Music Provided by Kevin MacLeod at incompetech.com

Art by Laura Frechette.

“Gypsy Bardic Tinker People” by Heather Alexander provided with permission by Alexander James Adams.

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