Wandering Audio

Audio Minstrals of the Internet

Archive for April, 2011

G-Files 1: The Kings Prerogative

Filed under: The G-Files — Gwendolyn @ 16:55

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Kings Preroagive

G-Files 1: The Kings Prerogative is rated AD-PG13 (suitable for Children over

the age of 13)

(Rating System)

Cast List:

King:                                    Cary Ayers
Queen                                 Lyn Cullen
Kallah                                  Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard
Prag                                     Ronnie Rowlands
Nara:                                   Bernadette Groves
Guard Daffydson               H. Keith Lyons

Voice in the Corridor        Terry Cooper

Never trust  King, when he offers you time off a life sentence. And never cross a mystic…

just ever.

Music by Kevin MacLeod Skye Cullen, Phantasm and more. Go to http://incompetech.com/

Sound effects: sounddogs.com, the free sound project and Sound Snap.

Graphic by James Leeper

This has been Released Under A Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial

No-Derivatives 3.0 License  GypsyAudio.org 2011

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