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Archive for October, 2011

Gypsy Cove ep 2: The Oncoming Storm

Filed under: Gypsy Cove — Gwendolyn @ 15:29

Gypsy Cove Ep 2

Gypsy Cove episode 2: The Oncoming Storm is rated AD-PG13 (Rating System)

Gypsy Cove episode 2: The Oncoming Storm

Written by Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard, Alexander Cockrum, Colin Kelly and

Laura Nicole

Produced by Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard and Alex Gilmour
Post produced by Alex Gilmour

Paul W Campbell as Sheriff Haskins
Becca S as Jamie Greene
Mark Kalita as Paul Jameson
Stacy Dooks as Deputy Greene
Marleigh Norton as Bobbi Jameson
Bill Hollweg as Victor
Alex Gilmour as Dr. Elias Strassberg
Megan Pressely as Eva Jameson
James Leeper as Aiden Darkmoore
Keith R. A. DeCandido as Upset Father
Carole Stokes as Sally Shaw
Laura Nicole as Abigail Perrigo-Franklin
David Ault as Dr. Frank Capra
Michael King as Simon Perrigo-Franklin
Jean Hilde-Fulghum as Lilah Reed
Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard as Danae Spencer
Cookie Colletti as Georgie Starr
Michael Liebmann as the Pilot

Blackwood & Gray commercial written by Alex Gilmour and Gwendolyn

Jensen-Woodard and performed by Rita Nash.


Gypsy Cove theme byDavid Krause
Other music by Kevin MacLeod
Sound effects by Soundsnap.com and Freesound.org

Artwork by James Leeper

Promo: Harry Strange Radio Drama (http://www.harrystrange.com)

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This has been Released Under A Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial No-Derivatives 3.0 License GypsyAudio.org 2011

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Wandering Minstrel Podcast 9: Geek Girl Con Edition!

Filed under: Wandering Minstrel — Gwendolyn @ 12:19

Welcome to Wandering Minstrel Podcast 9: The Geek Girl Con Edition. Other than my short opening, the rest is the panel “Tell Your Story through Audio Drama” that was held at Geek Girl Con, here in Seattle Wa the weekend of Oct 8-9 2011! Yes, I was there, and part of the panel. I hope you enjoy the craziness that we are!

Wandering Minstrel 9

Links: Geek Girl Con

19 Nocturne Blvd

Warp-D Space

Music used in this podcast: Kevin MacLeod Isolated

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